Stultified sheeple
All cozy in their beds
Disembodied people
With brains made of led
Questions and answers
The latter already understood
The former forgotten
For questioning's not good
Politics and religion
The topics of taboo
If we don't challenge our institutions
Then we've already said, "Salut!"
Goodbye not hello
To the truth of our century
Leaving the decisions only to
The elected powers "that be"
Why can't you be?
What can't I?
What happened to asking and seeking?
Why can't we even try?
We're disconnected.
We're misunderstood.
We've been separated, dissected, and
We don't think that we could
Oh! Silly sheeple
You've but lost your minds
You're able and capable
Of changing the tides
These times are precious
These times are rare
This time we need to stand up
This time we need to seriously care
Move past the excuses
It's not just the way it is
I won't accept that conclusion
I will not give in.
I'll ask all my questions
Till I'm out of breath
And I'll find the people who
Still retain breadth
I'm excusing myself
From this said here race
If I have to I'll disappear
Without a single trace
But we won't leave
The sheeple need help
To re-evolve back into people
Instead of evolving into kelp
I suppose I'm fearful
That I too may change
Get caught in the herd
Become, in my mind, caged
I won't have it.
I won't.
I won't.
I won't.
I'll find my answers
By questioning my luck
All cozy in their beds
Disembodied people
With brains made of led
Questions and answers
The latter already understood
The former forgotten
For questioning's not good
Politics and religion
The topics of taboo
If we don't challenge our institutions
Then we've already said, "Salut!"
Goodbye not hello
To the truth of our century
Leaving the decisions only to
The elected powers "that be"
Why can't you be?
What can't I?
What happened to asking and seeking?
Why can't we even try?
We're disconnected.
We're misunderstood.
We've been separated, dissected, and
We don't think that we could
Oh! Silly sheeple
You've but lost your minds
You're able and capable
Of changing the tides
These times are precious
These times are rare
This time we need to stand up
This time we need to seriously care
Move past the excuses
It's not just the way it is
I won't accept that conclusion
I will not give in.
I'll ask all my questions
Till I'm out of breath
And I'll find the people who
Still retain breadth
I'm excusing myself
From this said here race
If I have to I'll disappear
Without a single trace
But we won't leave
The sheeple need help
To re-evolve back into people
Instead of evolving into kelp
I suppose I'm fearful
That I too may change
Get caught in the herd
Become, in my mind, caged
I won't have it.
I won't.
I won't.
I won't.
I'll find my answers
By questioning my luck